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 Weekday Shacharit (Morning) Minyan:

  • Sunday morning minyan:  9:00 AM
  • Thursday morning minyan:  8:00 AM
  • Other weekday morning minyanim for yahrzeits, etc. may be arranged by request
  • Sunday and Thursday morning minyanim will take place in the Library Chapel.

Services/Davening Times

Our prayer services are traditional-egalitarian, meaning we count Jewish men and women towards the 10 people necessary for communal prayer. We pray in Hebrew, with some English prayers and readings, using the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism's Siddur Lev Shalem. We read from the Torah on the triennial cycle: each year we read 1/3 of the weekly portion, completing the entire Torah every three years.

Weekday Shacharit (Morning) Minyan:

  • Sunday morning minyan:  9:00 AM
  • Thursday morning minyan:  8:00 AM
  • Other weekday morning minyanim for yahrzeits, etc. may be arranged by request
  • Sunday and Thursday morning minyanim will take place in the Library Chapel.

Maariv (Evening) Minyan (not including Shabbat & holidays):

  • Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday evenings at  8:15 PM via Zoom until further notice. Contact the TBA office to get Zoom link and password.
  • Saturday night (Motzei Shabbat) Maariv & Havdalah: times vary, depending on when Shabbat ends. Check the online calendar for specific times. We are now "zooming out Shabbat" with ma'ariv and havdalah via Zoom (see weekly announcements email or contact the office for the link information).
  • If a member of Temple Beth Ahm is observing shiva (the 7 day period following the funeral of a loved one), a shiva minyan can be arranged at the member's home, usually beginning at 8:15 PM. Directions will be sent in the shiva announcment email, and the regular zoom minyan will be held for those unable to attend the shiva. Please make every effort to attend shiva minyanim! It is a big mitzvah and beings much comfort for the families. 

Shabbat  & Holiday Services:

  • Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat & Maariv services are held at 8:00 PM, with a festive Oneg dessert reception following services. As a community we use some of the melodies of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach a''h.
  • Saturday morning Shabbat  & weekday holiday services begin at  9:30 AM, with a Kiddush dessert reception usually following davening.
    • Sometimes (e.g. during our Scholar-in-Residence Shabbat or on the occasion of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or Aufruf or other special occasion), congregants sponsor a Kiddush luncheon, which culminate in the singing of z'mirot and bentching (reciting Birkat Ha-Mazon, the Grace After Meals).
    • Shabbat services are held in-person
  • The times of Saturday afternoon Shabbat Mincha services vary based on the ending time of Shabbat. Whenever there is a Kiddush luncheon at the shul after morning services, Mincha services are held immediately after the luncheon (at approximately 2 PM). When we do begin Mincha in the late afternoon/ early evening, we also join together for "Seudah Sh'li-sheet" (a.k.a. "Beer & Shmear"), usually followed by Maariv & Havdalah.

Youth Services:

  • Junior Congregation for children  in Grades 3-7. This service, led by Risa Doris, meets at 10:30 AM on the first and third Shabbat of the month.  If you would like to receive Shabbat attendance credit, you should come to the Sanctuary before 10:15 AM to let the attendance volunteer know that you are at shul.
  • Mini Minyan for children in Grades K-2. This service, which is led by Elisa Juros, begins at 11:00 AM on the first and third Shabbat of the month.
  • Tot Shabbat for families with preschoolers and younger children. This service, which is led by Preschool Director, Amy Naphtali, meets at 11:00 AM on the first Shabbat of the month.

If you have questions about services or about Temple Beth Ahm, there are always members who can answer your questions and refer you to others who can provide additional information. Of course, you can also call our office at (732) 583-1700 or email Rabbi Edelstein at

Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785